Article information

2007 , Volume 12, ¹ 3, p.139-146

Nefedov B.N.

Language of structural formulas as the tool of composition of billing systems information models in housing and communal services

Billing systems in the housing communal sector are designed to maintain and control calculation of bills and processing of payments. The specific of such systems is that they are linked to the management based on the non-systematic knowledge and on the individual actions modeling. Only fundamental research is capable to determine the prospects of a new generation of such systems and to train the staff for their implementation and maintenance. The method presented in the paper allows describing a construction of a huge variety of such systems. The author proposes a technology for designing and implementation of the informational automated systems for this specific problem.

[full text]

Nefedov B.N.
Address: Russia, Krasnoyarsk

Bibliography link:
Nefedov B.N. Language of structural formulas as the tool of composition of billing systems information models in housing and communal services // Computational technologies. 2007. V. 12. ¹ 3. P. 139-146
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