Article information

2008 , Volume 13, Special issue, p.104-110

Stepanenko V.M., Mikushin D.N.

Numerical modeling of mezoscale dynamics in the atmosphere and tracer transport above hydrologically inhomogeneous land

Results of numerical modeling of mesoscale atmospheric dynamics and passive tracer transport above the hydrologically inhomogeneous land are presented. It is shown, that a complex of breeze circulations, occurring over this kind of territory, causes significant reduction of the maximal tracer concentrations in the surface layer. The effect of thermal radiation on the night breeze development is demonstrated.

[full text]
Keywords: numerical modeling, mesoscale circulations, passive tracer

Stepanenko V.M.
Position: Junior Research Scientist
Office: Moscow state university
Address: Russia, Moscow
Phone Office: (095) 939 23 53

Mikushin D.N.
Position: Student
Office: Moscow state university
Address: Russia, Moscow

Bibliography link:
Stepanenko V.M., Mikushin D.N. Numerical modeling of mezoscale dynamics in the atmosphere and tracer transport above hydrologically inhomogeneous land // Computational technologies. 2008. V. 13. Special issue 3. P. 104-110
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