Article information

2008 , Volume 13, Special issue, p.94-100

Makarov A.A.

Numerical simulation of calibration relations for non-polynomial splines

Approximation relations are regarded as a system of equations for deducing of (polynomial and non-polynomial) splines. Twice continuous differentiable splines of the third order on irregular grid are constructed; coordinate splines have minimal support. The main result of the paper is a numerical simulation of calibration relations for the trigonometric splines connected with a grid refinement. This leads to a wavelet decomposition of signals with fast oscillations. The obtained relations contain less then three terms and therefore these relations can be easily realized on a two-processor computer.

[full text]
Keywords: Numerical simulation, splines, wavelets, approximation, interpolation, parallel algorithms

Makarov Anton Aleksandrovich
Office: Saint-Petersburg State University
Address: Russia, St-Petersburg

Bibliography link:
Makarov A.A. Numerical simulation of calibration relations for non-polynomial splines // Computational technologies. 2008. V. 13. Special issue 4. P. 94-100
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