Article information

2010 , Volume 15, ¹ 2, p.52-68

Korobitsin V.V., Frolova J.V.

Algorithm for computing the sliding mode in a system with a smooth surface of discontinuity

We describe a numerical algorithm designed for solving systems of ODEs which phase space consists of two areas of continuity of the direction field of the system separated by a smooth boundary, on which sliding mode regime is realized. The peculiarity of the algorithm is accurate determining of the intersection point between the trajectory of solution with the border of the areas of continuity. To calculate the solution in a sliding mode, we constructed two trajectories on the opposite sides of the border. The results of computer simulation showed the convergence of the proposed algorithm. An experimental evaluation of computational cost of the algorithm is obtained

[full text]
Keywords: initial value problem, Runge---Kutta method, discontinuous equations

Korobitsin VictorV.
PhD. , Associate Professor
Position: Associate Professor
Office: Omsk State University
Address: 644077, Russia, Omsk, 55-A, Mira pr.
Phone Office: (3812) 648 778

Frolova JuliaV.
PhD. , Associate Professor
Position: Associate Professor
Office: Omsk State University
Address: 644077, Russia, Omsk, 55-A, Mira pr.
Phone Office: (3812) 647 200

Bibliography link:
Korobitsin V.V., Frolova J.V. Algorithm for computing the sliding mode in a system with a smooth surface of discontinuity // Computational technologies. 2010. V. 15. ¹ 2. P. 52-68
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