Article information

2016 , Volume 21, ¹ 3, p.18-32

Dyadkin Y.A., Fereferov E.S.

The toolkit for simulation modeling of heterogeneous distributed computing environment

The aim of the research is to create an integrated toolset for studies of problemoriented distributed computing environment. The study is based on automation methods for the creating of simulation models and performing of multi-variant calculations. One of the most important part of the integrated toolset is the model specification subsystem intended for various categories of users ranging from model developers to the end users. The aim is to create and apply aggregate multilevel models for problem-oriented distributed computing environment. Creating simulation models is highly associated with the model knowledge domain. Properties of distributed computing environment, the architecture of the integrated toolset, the model specification language, the language specification model translator and the software of building dynamic graphic user interface are considered in the article. As an example, a model is created with the help of its specification language for analyzing the functioning data-communication network of distributed computing environment. The outcomes of two computational experiments are presented. The first one is aimed at obtaining of the estimation for data-communication network reliability. It is based on the Ethernet technology when information messages are sent between agents of the subsystems of integrated toolset. The second one is carried out to explore the operating efficiency of two different algorithms of collective interaction between agents.

[full text]
Keywords: distributed computing environments, simulation, toolkit, user interface

Dyadkin Yuriy Alekseevich
Position: Programmer
Office: Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory of SB RAS
Address: 664033, Russia, Irkutsk
Phone Office: (3952)453154
SPIN-code: 3995-5133

Fereferov Evgeniy Sergeevich
PhD. , Associate Professor
Position: Scientific Secretary
Office: Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory of SB RAS
Address: 664033, Russia, Irkutsk
Phone Office: (3952) 453007
SPIN-code: 7944-3851

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Bibliography link:
Dyadkin Y.A., Fereferov E.S. The toolkit for simulation modeling of heterogeneous distributed computing environment // Computational technologies. 2016. V. 21. ¹ 3. P. 18-32
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