Article information

2016 , Volume 21, ¹ 3, p.45-55

Levin I.I., Doronchenko Y.I., Kovalenko A.G.

The implementation of filtration liquid problem in porous medium on reconfigurable computer system

The paper addresses implementation of a reconfigurable computer system (RCS) to the problem of liquid filtering in a porous medium. The problem is typical for modelling of oil production processes with the help of secondary methods. Initial mathematical equations of the problem are given, transformation of differential equations to a finite difference scheme is shown. The obtained system of linear algebraic equations is solved by the method of successive over-relaxation. Necessity of high-performance computer systems for implementation of this problem is also proved. Use of reconfigurable computer systems based on FPGAs that provide practically linear growth of performance and expanding of hardware resource is shown to be promising. To implement the problem on the RCS we present an information task graph and its transformations in the structural procedural form. We also present an optimized computing structure of the problem for organization of parallel calculations. We present an approach, which provides reduction of memory channels for simultaneous data supply in various nodes of the grid. We have proved that the existing method of implementation of the problem which implies simultaneous processing for several adjacent nodes of the grid requires linear growth of the number of memory channels. We have suggested an approach which provides concurrent transformations of several iterations during execution of the task and the number of used memory channels reminds unchanged. The suggested implementation of the filtering problem provides effective scaling of its solution while available RCS hardware resource is expanded. The application of the RCS provides reduction of the time and increasing of accuracy for modelling of processes that take place within the Earth interior. This is an important problem of oil industry for geophysical exploration and exploration of oil-wells that required an urgent attention.

[full text]
Keywords: reconfigurable computer system, filtration of liquids in a porous medium, system of linear equations, finite difference method, method of successive over-relaxation

Levin Ilya Izrailevich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Director
Office: Supercomputers and Neurocomputers Research Center
Address: 347900, Russia, Taganrog
Phone Office: (8634)612-111
SPIN-code: 2700-6512

Doronchenko Yuriy Ivanovich
Position: Deputy Director (Economy)
Office: Scientific Research Center of Supercomputers and Neurocomputers
Address: 347900, Russia, Taganrog, 106, Italyanskiy alley
Phone Office: (8634)612-111

Kovalenko Alexey Gennadevich
Position: Deputy Director (Economy)
Office: Scientific Research Center of Supercomputers and Neurocomputers
Address: 347900, Russia, Taganrog, 106, Italyanskiy alley
Phone Office: (8634)612-111

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Bibliography link:
Levin I.I., Doronchenko Y.I., Kovalenko A.G. The implementation of filtration liquid problem in porous medium on reconfigurable computer system // Computational technologies. 2016. V. 21. ¹ 3. P. 45-55
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