Article information

2016 , Volume 21, ¹ 5, p.54-76

Kozelkov A.S., Meleshkina D.P., Kurkin A.A., Tarasova N.V., Lashkin S.V., Kurulin V.V.

Fully implicit method for solution of Navier - Stokes equations for simulation of multiphase flows with free surface

This paper presents a method for calculation of multiphase flows with a free surface. According to the current experience for calculations of a variety of different flows, one of the most universal methods is the SIMPLE algorithm, based on the modified semiimplicit scheme that uses splitting into physical processes . Along with the ability to generalize this method to the case of strongly compressible flows, its major advantage is an efficient way of implicit approximation of the equations, allowing arbitrarily large calculation time for its application. Such a modification is a combined algorithm, which increases the rate of convergence of the total calculation algorithm compared to the classical SIMPLE method due to an implicit relation between the speed and the pressure. Such implicit term in the equation of conservation of momentum is the pressure gradient, whereas in the continuity equation it is attributed to the mass flow.

This paper presents a numerical scheme for modelling of multiphase flows with a free surface. The procedure to the solution relies on the classical approach - the SIMPLE method with splitting into physical processes. With the help of some modification it leads to the combined method based on a fully implicit relation between the pressure and velocity fields. For the simulation of multiphase flows, the considered approach employs one-speed model to describe the mix. This model allows simulating any number of phases, including any combination of liquid, solid or gaseous media. Only one system of equations for all phases is required. For the calculation of free surface flows the numerical scheme is closed by a transport equation for the volume fractions of the phases, which simulates the motion of a free surface using the special M-CICSAM scheme.

The correct implementation of the model is tested on a series of numerical experiments for problems of the collapse of a dam, the fall of a box into the water and a hydraulic shock.

[full text]
Keywords: multiphase flows, free surface, numerical simulation, equations Navier-Stokes

Kozelkov Andrey Sergeevich
Position: Professor
Office: Russian Federal Nuclear Center, All-Russian Research Institute OF Experimental Physics
Address: 607189, Russia, Sarov, Mira ave., 37
Phone Office: (83130) 2 73 43
SPIN-code: 6563-1107

Meleshkina Dariya Pavlovna
Position: Junior Research Scientist
Office: Russian Federal Nuclear Center, All-Russian Research Institute OF Experimental Physics
Address: 607189, Russia, Sarov, Mira ave., 37
Phone Office: (83130) 28017

Kurkin Andrey Aleksandrovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: General Scientist
Office: Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev
Address: 603950, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, 24 Minin str.
Phone Office: (831) 436 04 89

Tarasova Nataliya Vladimirovna
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Office: Russian Federal Nuclear Center, All-Russian Research Institute OF Experimental Physics
Address: 607189, Russia, Sarov, Mira ave., 37
Phone Office: (83130) 2 75 50

Lashkin Sergey Victorovich
Position: Head of Laboratory
Office: Russian Federal Nuclear Center, All-Russian Research Institute OF Experimental Physics
Address: 607189, Russia, Sarov, Mira ave., 37
Phone Office: (83130) 27506

Kurulin Vadim Viktorovich
Position: Head of department
Office: Russian Federal Nuclear Center All-Russian research institute of experimental physics
Address: 607189, Russia, Sarov, Mira ave., 37
Phone Office: (83130) 27567
SPIN-code: 1984-4399

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Bibliography link:
Kozelkov A.S., Meleshkina D.P., Kurkin A.A., Tarasova N.V., Lashkin S.V., Kurulin V.V. Fully implicit method for solution of Navier - Stokes equations for simulation of multiphase flows with free surface // Computational technologies. 2016. V. 21. ¹ 5. P. 54-76
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