Article information

2016 , Volume 21, Special issue, p.5-26

Alt V.V., Olshevskiy S.N., Gurova T.A., Klimenko D.N.

The potential of agricultural science and the concept for providing computing resources information of telecommunication environment for agricultural institutions

Purpose. A comprehensive integration of fundamental and applied studies of agrarian science for obtaining new knowledge on physical processes in plants, machines, mechanisms, and animals.

Methodology. Creating a paradigm for information models of agricultural objects to provide agro-engineering andbiophysical studies and production processes in agriculture. Providing agricultural scientific institutions with computational resources and information services by means of creating information and telecommunication environments for resource sharing.

Findings. Creating and developing information and telecommunication environments for agricultural scientific institutions allows us to achieve integration of scientific potential, coordination of research efforts, assurance of government program fulfillment, and organization of efficient information interaction, on-line monitoring and control in the automated system of processing, recording and analyzing scientific and technological activities.

Conclusions. All noted trends determine the most promising research directions bounded with info-communication environments as a whole information space. The study was conducted in the thematic areas of agro-biotechnologies, for the development of technologies for processing and analyzing information, creation of computer-aided systems for automating measurements and conducting experiments, monitoring technological processes for energy efficiency; ensuring ecological safety of the country.

[full text]
Keywords: telecommunication technologies, information services, resources, models, heterogeneous data, physical processes

Alt Viktor Valentinovich
Dr. , Academician RAS, Professor
Position: Professor
Office: Federal state budgetary institution of science of the Siberian Federal scientific centre of agrobiotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 633501, Russia, Krasnoobsk
Phone Office: (383) 348-35-24
SPIN-code: 6687-6684

Olshevskiy Sergey Nikolaevich
Position: Head of Laboratory
Office: Siberian Physical-Technical Institute of Agrarian Problems, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Address: 630501, Russia, Novosibirsk
Phone Office: (383) 348-66-20

Gurova Tamara Alexeevna
Position: Head of Laboratory
Office: Siberian Federal Scientific Centre of Agro-BioTechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russia, Krasnoobsk, Novosibirsk
Phone Office: (383) 348-39-74
SPIN-code: 5471-9138

Klimenko Denis Nikolaevich
Position: Leading research officer
Office: Federal state budgetary institution of science of the Siberian Federal scientific centre of agrobiotechnology the Russian Academy of Sciences, leading researcher
Address: 633501, Russia, Krasnoobsk
Phone Office: (383) 348-39-62
SPIN-code: 8541-6305

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Bibliography link:
Alt V.V., Olshevskiy S.N., Gurova T.A., Klimenko D.N. The potential of agricultural science and the concept for providing computing resources information of telecommunication environment for agricultural institutions // Computational technologies. 2016. V. 21. Special issue: Information technologies, systems and equipment in agroindustrial complex. P. 5-26
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