Article information

2017 , Volume 22, № 1, p.84-96

Cherdantsev N.V., Cherdantsev S.V.

Development and implementation of a mathematical model of the geomechanical state coal rock mass, enclosing the coal seam and the mine working in it

During the construction and operation of coal mines at greater depths there are significant changes in the stress-strain state of massif around mine workings, therefore, the likelihood of rock bursts, sudden outbursts of gas in clearing and preparatory faces of mine working increases dramatically. With more objective and profound analysis of the geomechanical state of coal-rock mass the authors propose a mathematical model of the array based on the second exterior boundary value problem of elasticity theory for Fredholm integral equations of the second kind. The model takes the strength anisotropy of rocks into account and shows the difference between the values of the strength characteristics of the coal seam and enclosing rocks. Chart of conditional voltages consists of three parts: an elastic plot, the linear of the plot of decline stress and a plot of the residual strength. In the process of implementation the model employs boundary element methods, mechanical quadratures for the solution of Fredholm equations and the method of successive approximations for finding the maximum size of the stressed zones of the formation. The regularities for the influence factor of the coal rock mass fortress on the size of the maximum-stressed zones and the coefficient of dislocation are revealed. The most significant results of this paper are the following: - it is established that the coefficient of the dislocation in the presence of extremely intense areas in the edge portion of stratum exceeds the coefficient of dislocation without extremely intense areas more than twice; - it is shown that the presence of extremely tense area in the reservoir with partial destruction leads to the growth of coefficients of stress concentration and dislocation. As the most tense area increases the residual strength of formation decreases.

[full text]
Keywords: anisotropic rock mass, coal seam, the tensile strength of coal seam, the residual strength of coal seam, the angle of internal friction, extremely-intense area, the circle Mora, the zone of discontinuity, mine working

Cherdantsev Nikolay Vasilievich
Dr. , Associate Professor
Position: Head of Laboratory
Office: Institute of Coal Siberian branch to Russian Academy of the Sciences
Address: 650065, Russia, Kemerovo, Leningrad avenue, 10
Phone Office: (3842) 39 69 55

Cherdantsev Sergey Vasilievich
Dr. , Associate Professor
Position: Professor
Office: T.F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University
Address: 650000, Russia, Kemerovo, ul. Vesennyaya 28
Phone Office: (3842) 39 69 55

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Bibliography link:
Cherdantsev N.V., Cherdantsev S.V. Development and implementation of a mathematical model of the geomechanical state coal rock mass, enclosing the coal seam and the mine working in it // Computational technologies. 2017. V. 22. № 1. P. 84-96
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