Article information

2017 , Volume 22, ¹ 4, p.80-94

Panin S.V., Chemezov V.O., Lyubutin P.S.

Determination of optical flow by complex algorithm on weighted full search

One of the important applied directions of machine vision is related to solving problems of experimental mechanics and particularly estimating three-dimensional deformation through analysis of image sequences or videostreams. The operating principle for the systems of this kind is underlined by the technique of digital image correlation (DIC). However, the algorithms employed in the commercially available systems are not sufficiently accurate for determination of displacements at the edges of the objects. This results in difficulties in construction for a three-dimensional model of the working scene in 3D vision. In doing so, the problem related to the development of optical flow search algorithms in the three-dimensional computer vision systems is actual both in scientific and applied areas.

To improve the accuracy of determination for an optical flow, both at the edges of objects, as well as over the entire image it was suggested to combine the best approaches based on local analysis of images as well as “patch-match” technique. Local methods were chosen since they ensure the opportunity to perform parallel calculations.

In doing so, the motion estimation algorithm consists of a hierarchical search of weighted “patch-match” function with attracting more information channels obtained by preprocessing of input images followed by sub-pixel precision approximation at each hierarchical level and the final filtration of the obtained optical flow.

Test results of the proposed algorithm have demonstrated its competitiveness. The latter possessed the accuracy of the optical flow determination being comparative to the best competitors with a clear advantage to determine the optical flow at the edges of objects.

[full text]
Keywords: image processing, optical flow, motion estimation, patch match, edges of objects, end point error, weighted block difference function, complex algorithm, subpixel accuracy

Panin Sergey Viktorovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Head of Laboratory
Office: Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of SB RAS, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Address: 634021, Russia, Tomsk
Phone Office: (3822)286-904

Chemezov Vitaly Olegovich
Position: Student
Office: Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of SB RAS
Address: 634021, Russia, Tomsk
Phone Office: (3822)286-889

Lyubutin Pavel Stepanovich
Position: Junior Research Scientist
Office: Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of SB RAS
Address: 634021, Russia, Tomsk
Phone Office: (3822)286-889

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Bibliography link:
Panin S.V., Chemezov V.O., Lyubutin P.S. Determination of optical flow by complex algorithm on weighted full search // Computational technologies. 2017. V. 22. ¹ 4. P. 80-94
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