Article information

2017 , Volume 22, ¹ 4, p.43-60

Deundyak V.M., Kosolapov Y.V.

The use of the tensor product of Reed-Muller codes in asymmetric McEliece type cryptosystem and analysis of its resistance to attacks on the cryptogram

Purpose. Increasing resistance of McEliece cryptosystem against structural attacks (attacks on the key).

Methodology. To solve this problem it is encouraged to apply tensor product codes for which there are majority decoders. In this case, for the tensor product code there is a fast decoder, but there are no effective structural attacks for the McEliece cryptosystem based on the tensor product codes currently.

Findings. The study has revealed that the tensor product codes on the one hand, increases the resistance of cryptographic code to the known attacks on key, but on the other hand reduces the cryptosystem to the attacks on the cryptogram. In this regard, the paper proposes a method for enhancing the stability of cryptosystems such as McEliece to the attacks on the cryptogram by the use of a randomized encryption.

Originality/value. We have studied a method for constructing asymmetric cryptosystems code based on the tensor product codes. As shown by the calculations for tensor product of binary Reed -Muller codes, their resistance to attacks on cryptosystems is lower compared to the resistance of cryptosystems based on the ordinary Reed-Muller codes with comparable lengths. Despite this, cryptosystems based on the tensor product are presently more robust overall because they do not yet experience effective key attacks, while such attacks for cryptosystems based on Reed -Muller codes are already known. The disadvantages of cryptosystems based on tensor product codes include a large key size.

[full text]
Keywords: tensor product codes, Reed - Muller codes, the McEliece cryptosystem, ciphertext attacks

Deundyak Vladimir Mikhaylovich
Office: NII Spetsializirovannye Vychislitelnye Ustroystva Zashchity i Avtomatika
Address: 344006, Russia, Rostov

Kosolapov Yury Vladimirovich
Position: Associate Professor
Office: South Federal University
Address: 344006, Russia, Rostov, Bol'shaya Sadovaya st., 105/42
SPIN-code: 8308-5636

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Bibliography link:
Deundyak V.M., Kosolapov Y.V. The use of the tensor product of Reed-Muller codes in asymmetric McEliece type cryptosystem and analysis of its resistance to attacks on the cryptogram // Computational technologies. 2017. V. 22. ¹ 4. P. 43-60
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