Article information

2017 , Volume 22, ¹ 6, p.4-11

Andreev V.A., Burdin V.A., Burdin A.V., Dashkov M.V.

Simulation of intermode coupling for predicting the error probabilities in a few-mode optical communication lines

Mode division multiplexing is an attractive technology for overcoming the capacity limitation in a single-mode optical fiber communication lines associated with the nonlinear Shannon limit. One of the important problems in such systems is the influence of linear and nonlinear mode coupling on the performance of such systems.

In a few-mode fibers random mode coupling can arise as a result of non-circular shape of fiber core, roughness of the core-cladding boundaries, core diameter and the refractive index profile variations, internal mechanical stresses. External factors that cause the coupling of modes include micro and macro-bends, twist of fiber. In addition, a strong mode coupling occurs at fiber splices.

In this paper, the signal propagation is described by a generalized nonlinear Shrodinger equation which takes into account linear and nonlinear mode coupling. A modified solution based on split-step Fourier method is considered. The method for simulation of mode coupling coefficients based on statistical characteristics is proposed.

Results for estimations of the bit error rate are presented for propagation of space division multiplexing signal in a few mode fiber communication line for both weak and strong coupling regimes.

[full text]
Keywords: mode division multiplexing, few-mode fiber, mode coupling, nonlinear Schrodinger equation, bit error rate

Andreev Vladimir Alexandrovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Director
Office: Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics
Address: 443010, Russia, Samara, Lev Tolstoy st., 23
Phone Office: (846) 228-03-38
SPIN-code: 2942-9789

Burdin Vladimir Alexandrovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Vice-Rector
Office: Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics
Address: 443090, Russia, Samara, Lev Tolstoy st., 23
Phone Office: (846) 332-21-61
SPIN-code: 9906-9951

Burdin Anton Vladimirovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Assistant Director
Office: Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics
Address: 443090, Russia, Samara, Lev Tolstoy st., 23
Phone Office: (846) 339-11-09
SPIN-code: 9125-9661

Dashkov Mikhail Victorovich
PhD. , Associate Professor
Position: Associate Professor
Office: Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics
Address: 443090, Russia, Samara, Lev Tolstoy st., 23
Phone Office: (846) 228-00-66
SPIN-code: 5318-3591

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Bibliography link:
Andreev V.A., Burdin V.A., Burdin A.V., Dashkov M.V. Simulation of intermode coupling for predicting the error probabilities in a few-mode optical communication lines // Computational technologies. 2017. V. 22. ¹ 6. P. 4-11
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