Article information

2017 , Volume 22, ¹ 6, p.64-79

Pryamikov A.D., Alagashev G.K., Bufetov I.A.

Mathematical modeling of the revolver optical fibers and the optimal optical fiber design for a Raman laser 1.56 -> 4.4 mcm

In this paper the results of numerical simulations for the optical properties of hollow core revolver fibers are presented. During the simulations the follwing fiber parameters such as air core diameter, thickness of the cladding capillary wall, minimal distance between the cladding capillaries, number of the cladding capillaries were optimized. The aim of the optimization was to determine an optimal fiber construction that can allow to create Raman fiber laser filled with hydrogen for the mid IR spectral range. The wavelength conversion occurring in this process is 1.56 µ m → 4.4 µ m. The same simulation was carried out for simple hollow core waveguide structures such as glass capillary to compare their optical properties with the ones of the hollow core revolver fibers. Two types of the glass were used in the simulations, namely, silica glass and chalcogenide glass. Based on the simulations the dependence for the figure of merit (value of the pump threshold power for the Raman fiber laser (1.56 µ m → 4.4 µ m)) on the air core diameter were calculated for the hollow core revolver fibers, glass capillaries and cylindrical bore in the endless piece of glass. Comparing the results obtained for the hollow core revolver fibers and for the glass capillaries or cylindrical bore in the endless piece of the glass it is possible to state that the pump power threshold for the Raman fiber laser is significantly lower in the case of revolver fibers in comparison with other considered waveguide microstructures. The obtained results can be used for design of high efficiency Raman fiber laser filled with hydrogen for the mid IR spectral range.

[full text]
Keywords: Hollow optical fibers, mid-infrared Raman laser generation, optimization of the revolver optical fiber design

Pryamikov Andrey Dmitrievich
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Office: Fiber Optics Research Center RAS
Address: 119333, Russia, Moscow
Phone Office: (499) 503 81 93

Alagashev Grigoriy Konstantinovich
Position: Student
Office: Fiber Optics Research Center RAS
Address: 119333, Russia, Moscow
Phone Office: (499) 503 81 93

Bufetov Igor Alexeevich
Dr. , Correspondent member of RAS, Professor
Position: Deputy Director on science
Office: Fiber Optics Research Center RAS
Address: 119333, Russia, Moscow, 38, Vavilov str.
Phone Office: (499) 135 1794
SPIN-code: 7285-6445

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Bibliography link:
Pryamikov A.D., Alagashev G.K., Bufetov I.A. Mathematical modeling of the revolver optical fibers and the optimal optical fiber design for a Raman laser 1.56 -> 4.4 mcm // Computational technologies. 2017. V. 22. ¹ 6. P. 64-79
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