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2018 , Volume 23, ¹ 6, p.64-79

Rahimly P.I., Sharova Y.S., Rahimly O.R., Podryga V.O., Gasilova I.V., Popov S.B., Poveshchenko Y.A.

The model of fluid dynamics in a hydrate-containing porous medium with splitting into physical processes

Goal. It is necessary to understand the problems of the phase transformations of gas hydrate inclusions in the porous media since it can help in the development of the technologies of gas hydrate production.

Method. The paper deals with the thermodynamically equilibrium model of the splitting into physical processes of a two-component three-phase filtration fluid dynamics with gas hydrate inclusions, for which a family of two-layer completely conservative difference schemes based on support operators method with space-time temporal scales is constructed. The initial problem, formulated in the form of the first principles (conservation of H2O, CH4 mass and total energy of the medium), with a common matrix of the system relative to the thaw, moisture saturation, pressure and temperature, has mixed hyperbolic and multiscale parabolic properties. The direct unsplitted utilization of such system for the purpose of determining the dynamics of variables and constructing an implicit difference scheme, which is required for calculations of filtration parabolic processes with large steps in time, is difficult. This model is based on splitting into physical processes.

Result. The numerical model allows discretization of the problem in an one-dimensional case and implementing unconditionally stable difference scheme. The obtained results demonstrate the applicability of the proposed model for the solution of typical problems of gas hydrate fluid dynamics, including the studies of the complex dynamics of water and hydrate saturation of the formation in respect of adiabatic expansion of the gas in the collector space.

Value. The application of these schemes is also important in the combination modeling of the three-phase medium with processes in the thawed zone where the hydrate is absent, since the number of unknowns, equations, their types here change, and it is important at the difference level to transfer the balances divergently into different flow areas. The approach outlined in the work is the basis for constructing algorithms for transphase hydrate encapsulation.

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Keywords: gas hydrates, filtration, mathematical modeling

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2018.23.6.007

Rahimly Parvin Ilgar gizi
Office: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Address: 141701, Russia, Dolgoprudny

Sharova Yulia Sergeevna
Office: Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS
Address: 125047, Russia, Moscow

Rahimly Orkhan Rahim oglu
Office: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Address: 141701, Russia, Dolgoprudny

Podryga Viktoriya Olegovna
Office: Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University
Address: 125047, Russia, Moscow

Gasilova Irina Vladimirovna
Office: Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS
Address: 125047, Russia, Moscow

Popov Sergey Borisovich
Office: Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS
Address: 125047, Russia, Moscow

Poveshchenko Yuriy Andreevich
Office: Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Address: 125047, Russia, Moscow

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Bibliography link:
Rahimly P.I., Sharova Y.S., Rahimly O.R., Podryga V.O., Gasilova I.V., Popov S.B., Poveshchenko Y.A. The model of fluid dynamics in a hydrate-containing porous medium with splitting into physical processes // Computational technologies. 2018. V. 23. ¹ 6. P. 64-79
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