Article information

2018 , Volume 23, ¹ 6, p.35-46

Gudov A.M., Zavozkin S.Y., Sotnikov I.Y.

Internet portal for solving scientific and engineering problems

Goal. The project aimed at designing web-oriented high technology software and hardware complex (engineering and computational portal) to solve scientific and experimental problems which are carried out at Kemerovo State University. The project is considered to be unique, because three options, namely solution of engineering problems, performance of computational experiments based on high performance resources and educational services dedicated to theory and technology of high performance computations are combined.

Methods. The architecture of the engineering and computational portal was designed with the help of a service-oriented method. This method is used to create distributed systems that have services for other systems or other services. The service-oriented method simplifies integration of new components to improve the portal’s options. The applied technology of web services is based on the following standards: WSDL - web service description standard, SOAP - web service interaction message format and BPEL - business processes description standard (orchestration), as well as portlet technology.

Results. The following tasks have already been accomplished:

∙ the web portal has been created on the basis of Liferay web platform;

∙ the service for user files storage management has been implemented; ∙ the service to solve flooded mine problem has been implemented;

∙ “Onlide” system has been developed in order to create software parallel user-code and start it on the basis of high performance resources;

∙ both components to register computational resources and to allow access to them have been implemented;

∙ “Virtual Laboratory Practicum” has been integrated as an educational element.

Summary. The described engineering and computational portal is heavily employed at Kemerovo State University in order to perform computational experiments based on the high performance resources and to teach theory and technology of high performance computations.

Future plans are as follows: implementation of the component to interact with the portal experts, “Master” component implementation, that is considered to be a portal guide, implementation of computational resources accounting components, implementation of the high-performance leased components, expansion of computational services list, implementation of the service to solve the problem of gas-dispersion gas/particle mixture combustion that applies Phoenics CFD technology.

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Keywords: portal, service-oriented architecture, web services, business processes, high-performance computing, parallel technologies, training, remote programming

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2018.23.6.005

Gudov Alexander Mikhailovich
Dr. , Associate Professor
Position: Director
Office: Institute of Fundamental Sciences of KemSU
Address: 650000, Russia, Kemerovo, Krasnaya st., 6
Phone Office: (3842) 58-31-95

Zavozkin Sergey Yurievich
PhD. , Associate Professor
Position: Associate Professor
Office: Kemerovo State University
Address: 650000, Russia, Kemerovo, Krasnaya str. 6
Phone Office: (3842) 58-23-10
SPIN-code: 6845-9306

Sotnikov Igor Yurievich
Position: Student
Office: Kemerovo State University
Address: 650000, Russia, Kemerovo, Krasnaya st., 6

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Bibliography link:
Gudov A.M., Zavozkin S.Y., Sotnikov I.Y. Internet portal for solving scientific and engineering problems // Computational technologies. 2018. V. 23. ¹ 6. P. 35-46
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