Article information

2019 , Volume 24, ¹ 4, p.28-37

Kireev T.F., Bulgakova G.T.

Construction of the Voronoi diagram with constraints on a plane

Purpose. The problem of construction the Voronoi diagram with constrains on a plane, also known as the generalized inverse Voronoi problem, is considered. The problem is to construct a Voronoi diagram on the plane, which edges lie on a given set of segments.

Methodology. Constructing a Voronoi diagram with constraints is based on the formation of a set of circles and the placement of sites of the diagram at the intersections of these circles. The procedure for constructing a diagram is described by a formal language to prove its correctness.

Findings. An algorithm for constructing a constrained Voronoi diagram with proof of correctness is proposed. A procedure for constructing a two-dimensional computational grid based on such a diagram is described.

Value. The proposed algorithm is rather brief and has a simple proof of correctness. The use of such a grid can improve the accuracy of the numerical solution of some problems in fluid mechanics.

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Keywords: Voronoi diagram, inverse Voronoi problem, planar mesh

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2019.24.4.003

Kireev Timur Faritovich
Position: Student
Office: Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Address: 450008, Russia, Ufa, Ufa, K. Marx street, 12
Phone Office: (347) 273-77-35

Bulgakova Guzel Talgatovna
Dr. , Professor
Position: Student
Office: Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Address: 450008, Russia, Ufa, Ufa, K. Marx street, 12
Phone Office: (347) 273-77-35
SPIN-code: 6764-2200

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Bibliography link:
Kireev T.F., Bulgakova G.T. Construction of the Voronoi diagram with constraints on a plane // Computational technologies. 2019. V. 24. ¹ 4. P. 28-37
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