Article information

2019 , Volume 24, ¹ 6, p.50-59

Kramareva L.S., Andreev A.I., Bloshchinskiy V.D., Kuchma M.O., Davidenko A.N., Pustatintsev I.N., Shamilova Y.A., Kholodov E.I., Korolev S.P.

The use of neural networks in hydrometeorology problems

The purpose of this paper is to study methods and technologies based on machine learning algorithms for solution of hydrometeorological problems associated with the satellite multispectral image classification.

Methodology. The models presented in the paper are developed using various machine learning methods, such as Support Vector Machine (SVM) as well as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). Multispectral satellite images are used as input data from which training and test datasets are formed, consisting of more than 270 thousands units. For calculations, the resources of hybrid computing systems and specialized machine learning libraries were used.

Results. The models have been developed for classifying the underlying surface. Methods for verifying snow masks and clouds are described.

Findings. It is shown that the use of textures in training of CNN increases the classification accuracy compared to other methods, especially in situations where spectral characteristics are similar (cold ice clouds and snow surface). The testing process of the developed algorithms includes an assessment of accuracy using metrics (f-measure, false alarm detection etc.) calculated for test datasets, as well as comparison with state-of-art models and the results of manual segmentation by experienced meteorologists. The test results showed a fairly high level of reliability and accuracy of classification.

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Keywords: remote sensing, machine learning, neural network, CNN, textures, satellite image classification

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2019.24.6.007

Kramareva Lyubow Sergeevna
Position: Director
Office: Far-Eastern Center of State Research Center for Space Hydrometeorology Planeta
Address: 680000, Russia, Khabarovsk, 18, Lenina st.
Phone Office: (4212) 21-42-21
SPIN-code: 6216-0029

Andreev Alexander Ivanovich
Position: Junior Research Scientist
Office: Far-Eastern Center of State Research Center for Space Hydrometeorology Planeta
Address: 680000, Russia, Khabarovsk, 18, Lenina st.
Phone Office: (4212) 21-42-21
SPIN-code: 1693-4323

Bloshchinskiy Vladislav Dmitrievich
Position: Programmer
Office: Far-Eastern Center of State Research Center for Space Hydrometeorology Planeta
Address: 680000, Russia, Khabarovsk, 18, Lenina st.
Phone Office: (4212) 21-42-21
SPIN-code: 6120-5235

Kuchma Mikhail Olegovich
Position: Junior Research Scientist
Office: Far-Eastern Center of State Research Center for Space Hydrometeorology Planeta
Address: 680000, Russia, Khabarovsk, 18, Lenina st.
Phone Office: (4212) 21-42-21
SPIN-code: 1736-9780

Davidenko Aleksey Nikolaevich
Position: Deputy Director (Economy)
Office: Far-Eastern Center of State Research Center for Space Hydrometeorology Planeta
Address: 680000, Russia, Khabarovsk, 18, Lenina st.
Phone Office: (4212) 21-42-21
SPIN-code: 1505-3245

Pustatintsev Igor Nikolaevich
Position: Head of Departament
Office: Far-Eastern Center of State Research Center for Space Hydrometeorology Planeta
Address: 680000, Russia, Khabarovsk, 18, Lenina st.
Phone Office: (4212) 21-42-21

Shamilova Yuliya Andreevna
Position: leading meteorologist
Office: Far-Eastern Center of State Research Center for Space Hydrometeorology Planeta
Address: 680000, Russia, Khabarovsk, 18, Lenina st.
Phone Office: (4212) 21-42-21

Kholodov Egor Igorevich
Position: Junior Research Scientist
Office: Far-Eastern Center of State Research Center for Space Hydrometeorology Planeta
Address: 680000, Russia, Khabarovsk, 18, Lenina st.
Phone Office: (4212) 21-42-21

Korolev Sergey Pavlovich
Position: Research Scientist
Office: CC FEB RAS
Address: 680000, Russia, Khabarovsk, 18, Lenina st.
Phone Office: (4212) 703913
SPIN-code: 5884-4506


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Bibliography link:
Kramareva L.S., Andreev A.I., Bloshchinskiy V.D., Kuchma M.O., Davidenko A.N., Pustatintsev I.N., Shamilova Y.A., Kholodov E.I., Korolev S.P. The use of neural networks in hydrometeorology problems // Computational technologies. 2019. V. 24. ¹ 6. P. 50-59
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