Article information

2022 , Volume 27, ¹ 4, p.84-97

Das S., Rai S.

On M-polynomial and associated topological descriptors of subdivided Hex-derived network of type three

Topological indices have the numerical worth that usually describes the numerous properties of molecular graphs, such as physical, chemical, biological, etc. At the present time, it is very prevalent to calculate various degree-based topological indices by using the M-polynomial. Hex-derived networks are used extensively in the field of pharmaceutics, telecommunications networks, and electronics. In the current study, we construct the subdivided Hex-derived network of third type of dimension 𝑛 and obtain its corresponding M-polynomial. Further, we calculate the degree-based topological indices of the above network by using their direct formulas and alternatively from the exact expression of the M-polynomial. In addition, we sketch the M-polynomial and the related topological indices for different values of 𝑛. The attained results can set a foundation to explore further into subdivided Hex-derived networks, their properties and appliances

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Keywords: M-polynomial, subdivided Hex-derived network of third type, degree-based topological indices, graph polynomial

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2022.27.4.007

Das Shibsankar
Position: Assistent
Office: Department of Mathematics, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
Address: 221005, India, Varanasi

Rai Shikha
Position: Research Scientist
Office: Department of Mathematics, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
Address: 221005, India, Varanasi

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Bibliography link:
Das S., Rai S. On M-polynomial and associated topological descriptors of subdivided Hex-derived network of type three // Computational technologies. 2022. V. 27. ¹ 4. P. 84-97
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