Article information

2023 , Volume 28, ¹ 3, p.25-40

Moskvichev V.V.

Natural and technogenic safety of Siberian regions: a retrospective of research and new challenges

The problem formulations, tasks and directions of scientific research in the field of natural and man-made safety of the Siberian regions during the forty-years of work performed at the institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences are presented. Three stages of the research retrospective are highlighted, including regional aspects of environmental and technogenic safety, results of interdisciplinary integrated projects, joint research programs with the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, stage of expanded application of information systems and computing technologies for modelling catastrophic processes of natural origin and emergency situations in the technosphere. Special attention is paid to the issues and results of monitoring and characterization of the state of natural and man-made safety, risk assessments of the development of the members of the Siberian Federal District, presented in the format of a review of scientific publications on the main areas of research. In the final part, the directions and tasks of prospective research in the field of natural, man-made and environmental safety of the regions of Siberia are formulated.

Keywords: natural-technogenic and ecological safety, sustainable development, mathematical modelling, anthropogenic impact, risk assessment

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2023.28.3.003

Moskvichev Vladimir Viktorovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Director
Office: Federal Research Center for Information and Computational Technologies,Siberian Federal University
Address: 660049, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, Mira pr., 53
Phone Office: (391) 227-29-12
SPIN-code: 9332-6468

1. Bezopasnost’ Rossii. Pravovye, sotsial’no-ekonomicheskie i nauchno-tekhnicheskie aspekty. Regional’nye problemy bezopasnosti. Krasnoyarskiy kray [Security of Russia. Legal, socio-economic,scientific and technical aspects. Regional security issues. Krasnoyarsk Territory]. Moscow: MGF
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2. Shokin Yu.I., Moskvichev V.V., Nicheporchuk V.V. Technique for estimation of anthropogenous risks for territories and construction of risks cartograms using geoinformation systems. Computational Technologies. 2010; 15(1):120–131. (In Russ.)

3. Moskvichev V.V., Shokin Yu.I. Natural and technogenic security and territorial risks of Siberian regions. Problemy Bezopasnosti i Chrezvychaynykh Situatsiy. 2010; (6):35–45. (In Russ.)

4. Shokin Yu.I., Moskvichev V.V., Nozhenkova L.F., Nicheporchuk V.V. Crisis databases for territorial risk management. Computational Technologies. 2011; 16(6):115–125. (In Russ.)

5. Lepikhin A.M., Moskvichev V.V., Shokin Yu.I., Chernyakova N.A. Antropogennye riski Sibiri: kontseptsii i modeli. Geoinformatsionnye tekhnologii i matematicheskie modeli dlya monitoringa i upravleniya ekologicheskimi i sotsial’no-ekonomicheskimi sistemami [Man-Made Hazards of Siberia: Concepts and Models. Geoinformation technologies and mathematical models for monitoring and management of ecological and socio-economic systems] / Rotanova I.N. (Ed.). Barnaul: Pyat Plyus;2011: 15–22. (In Russ.)

6. Moskvichev V.V., Shokin Yu.I. Anthropogenic and natural risks on the territory of Siberia. Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2012; (2):69–78.

7. Lepikhin A.M., Moscvichev V.V., Tchernyakova N.A., Nicheporchuk V.V. Man-made risk assessment for oil and gas producing areas of Siberia. Problemy Bezopasnosti i Chrezvychaynykh Situatsiy. 2013; (5):42–52. (In Russ.)

8. Levkevich V.E., Moskvichev V.V., Nikitenko P.G., Solodovnikov S.Yu., Shaparev N.Ya.,Shokin Yu.I. Ustoychivoye razvitiye i prirodno-tekhnogennaya bezopasnost’ territoriy (Belarus’i Sibir’) [Sustainable development and natural and technogenic security of territories (Belarus and
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9. Grabar R.N., Doroshenko T.V., Kolosov G.V., Levkevich V.E., Mishustin N.A., Moskvichev V.V., Nikitenko P.G., Podobedov I.I., Roshka T.B., Solodovnikov S.Yu., Filipenko V.S., Filipenko E.V., Shaparev N.Ya., Shokin Yu.I., Shumak V.V., Shumak Zh.G. Osnovy obespecheniya ustoychivogo razvitiya territoriy Belarusi i Sibirskogo regiona Rossii. [Fundamentals of sustainable development of the territories of Belarus and the Siberian region of Russia].Pinsk: PolesGU; 2011: 218. (In Russ.)

10. Levkevich V.E., Moskvichev V.V., Nikitenko P.G., Solodovnikov S.Yu., Shaparev N.Ya.,Shokin Yu.I. Problemy ekologicheskikh riskov i ustoychivogo razvitiya territoriy (na primere Respubliki Belarus’ i Krasnoyarskogo kraya Rossii) [Problems of environmental risks and sustainable development of territories (on the example of the Republic of Belarus and the Krasnoyarsk Territory of Russia)]. Minsk: Pravo i Ekonomika; 2011: 315. (In Russ.)

11. Nikitenko P.G., Levkevich V.E., Moskvichev V.V., Shaparev N.Ya., Shokin Yu.I. Noosfernye aspekty ustoychivogo razvitiya Belarusi i Sibirskogo regiona Rossii [Noospheric aspects of sustainable development of Belarus and the Siberian region of Russia]. Minsk: Pravo i Ekonomika; 2013: 217.
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12. Levkevich V.E., Lepikhin A.M., Moskvichev V.V., Nikitenko P.G., Nicheporchuk V.V., Shaparev N.Ya., Shokin Yu.I. Bezopasnost’ i riski ustoychivogo razvitiya territoriy [Security and risks of sustainable development of territories]. Krasnoyarsk: Sib. Feder. Un-t; 2014: 224. (In Russ.)

13. Moskvichev V.V., Sibgatulin V.G., Peretokin S.A. Geodynamic hazard control hydroelectric of central Siberia. Problemy Bezopasnosti i Chrezvychaynykh Situatsiy. 2011; (4):90–97. (In Russ.)

14. Potapov V.P., Mazikin V.P., Schastlivtsev E.L., Vashlayeva N.Yu. Geoekologiya ugledobyvayushchikh regionov Kuzbassa [Geoecology of coal-mining regions of Kuzbass]. Novosibirsk: Nauka;
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15. Bezopasnost’ Respubliki Sakha (Yakutiya): sotsial’nyye, ekologicheskiye i tekhnogennyye problemy [Security of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): social, environmental and technogenic problems] /V.Yu. Fridovsky, V.A. Prokhorov (Eds). Novosibirsk: Nauka; 2008: 296. (In Russ.)

16. Lepikhin A.M., Moskvichev V.V., Nicheporchuk V.V., Tridvornov A.V. Estimation and zoning of extreme situations risk for territory of Krasnoyarsk region. Problemy Bezopasnosti i Chrezvychaynykh Situatsiy. 2007; (5):124–133. (In Russ.)

17. Berman A.F., Nikolaichuk O.A., Pavlov A.I., Pavlov N.Yu., Moskvichev V.V. Zoning of the Irkutsk region in terms of risk based on danger and vulnerability indexes. Problemy Bezopasnosti i Chrezvychaynykh Situatsiy. 2012; (1):73–81. (In Russ.)

18. Makhutov N.A., Kuzyk B.N., Abrosimov N.V., Akhmetkhanov R.S., Baranov V.V.,Gadenin M.M., Kuksova V.I., Maslennikova A.V. etc. Nauchnyye osnovy prognozirovaniya i prognoznye pokazateli sotsial’no-ekonomicheskogo i nauchno-tekhnicheskogo razvitiya Rossii do 2030
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19. Moskvichev V.V., Bychkov I.V., Potapov V.P., Taseiko O.V., Shokin Yu.I. Information system for territorial risk and safety management development. Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017; 87(8):696–705. (In Russ.)

20. Moskvichev V.V., Nicheporchuk V.V., Potapov V.P., Taseiko O.V. Digital pattern of safety of a territory. Computational Technologies. 2021; 26(6):110–132. DOI:10.25743/ICT.2021.26.6.008.(In Russ.)

21. Moskvichev V.V., Postnikova U.S., Taseiko O.V. Management of technogenic safety based on a risk-oriented approach. Control Sciences. 2022; (3):13–23.

22. Moskvichev V.V., Postnikova U.S., Taseiko O.V. Cluster analysis in the assessment of territorial risks for social-natural-technogenic systems. Computational Technologies. 2022; 27(3):112–124.DOI:10.25743/ICT.2022.27.3.009. (In Russ.)

23. Moskvichev V.V., Taseiko O.V., Ivanova U.S., Chernykh D.A. Basic regional risks of territorial development for Siberian federal district. Computational Technologies. 2018; 23(4):95–109. (In Russ.)

24. Shokin Yu.I., Moskvichev V.V., Taseiko O.V., Bel’skaya E.N. Determination of environmental quality standards proceeding from the risk-based approach. Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences.2020; 90(6):755–764.

25. Moskvichev V.V., Shokin Yu.I. Mathematical modeling for problems of structural integrity and safety of technical systems. Computational Technologies. 1999; 4(Special issue):100–110. (In Russ.)

26. Moskvichev V.V., Shokin Yu.I. Mathematical modeling and physical experiment in problems of structural strength of technical systems. Computational Technologies. 2002; 7(Special issue.Pt 3):271–273. (In Russ.)

27. Moskvichev V.V. Development of methods to assess the strength and safety of technical systems. Computational Technologies. 2003; 8(Special issue):5–13. (In Russ.)

28. Shokin Yu.I., Burov A.E., Doronin S.V., Krushenko G.G., Lepikhin A.M., Moskvichev V.V., Chernyaev A.P. Model calculations on strength and fracture for structures of technical systems. Computational Technologies. 2004; 9(Special issue):101–110. (In Russ.)

29. Kulagin V.A., Moskvichev V.V., Makhutov N.A., Markovich D.M., Shokin Yu.I. Physical and mathematical modeling in the field of high-velocity hydrodynamics in the experimental base of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric plant. Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016; (6):454–465.

30. Moskvichev V.V., Makhutov N.A., Chernyayev A.P., Bukayemskiy A.A., Burov A.E.,Zyryanov I.A., Kozlov A.G., Koksharov I.I., Krushenko G.G., Lepikhin A.M.,Mishin A.S., Moskvicheva L.F., Fedorova E.N., Tsyplyuk A.N. Treshchinostoykost’ i mekhanicheskiye svoystva konstruktsionnykh materialov tekhnicheskikh sistem [Crack resistance and mechanical properties of structural materials of technical systems]. Novosibirsk: Nauka; 2002: 334. (In Russ.)

31. Moskvichev V.V. Osnovy konstruktsionnoy prochnosti tekhnicheskikh sistem i inzhenernykh sooruzheniy. Ch. 1: Postanovka zadach i analiz predel’nykh sostoyaniy [Fundamentals of structural strength of technical systems and engineering structures. Pt 1: Problem statement analysis of limit states].Novosibirsk: Nauka; 2002: 106. (In Russ.)

32. Burov A.E., Koksharov I.I., Moskvichev V.V. Modelirovanie razrusheniya i treshchinostoykost’ voloknistykh metallokompozitov [Fracture modelling and crack resistance of fibrous metal composites].Novosibirsk: Nauka; 2003: 173. (In Russ.)

33. Lepikhin A.M., Makhutov N.A., Moskvichev V.V., Chernyaev A.P. Veroyatnostnyy riskanaliz konstruktsiy tekhnicheskikh system [Probabilistic risk analysis of technical system designs].Novosibirsk: Nauka; 2003: 174. (In Russ.)

34. Doronin S.V., Lepikhin A.M., Moskvichev V.V., Shokin Yu.I. Modelirovanie prochnosti i razrusheniya nesushchikh konstruktsiy tekhnicheskikh system. [Simulation of strength and destruction of supporting structures of technical systems]. Novosibirsk: Nauka; 2005: 250. (In Russ.)

35. Moskvichev V.V., Makhutov N.A., Shokin Yu.I., Lepikhin A.M., Aniskovich E.V.,Burov A.E., Gadenin M.M., Gotovko S.A., Doronin S.V., Kashubskiy N.I., Moskvichev E.V., Moskvicheva L.F., Reyzmunt E.M., Sukhodoyeva N.V., Fedorova E.N.,Filippova Yu.F., Chaban E.A., Chernyayev A.P., Chernyakova N.A. Prikladnye zadachi konstruktsionnoy prochnosti i mekhaniki razrusheniya tekhnicheskikh system. [Applied problems of structural strength and fracture mechanics of technical systems]. Novosibirsk: Nauka; 2021: 796. (In Russ.)

36. Moskvichev V.V., Testoedov N.A., Vasil’yev V.V., Khalimanovich V.I., Lepikhin A.M.,Aniskovich E.V., Burov A.E., Golovenkin E.N., Doronin S.V., Eremin N.V., Levko V.A.,Moskvichev E.V., Pokhabov Yu.P., Razin A.F., Sin’kovskiy F.K., Filippova Yu.F., Chernyayev A.P., Chernyakova N.A. Nesushchaya sposobnost’ i bezopasnost’ metallokompozitnykh bakov kosmicheskikh apparatov [Bearing capacity and safety of metal-composite spacecraft tanks]. Novosibirsk: Nauka; 2021: 440. (In Russ.)

Bibliography link:
Moskvichev V.V. Natural and technogenic safety of Siberian regions: a retrospective of research and new challenges // Computational technologies. 2023. V. 28. ¹ 3. P. 25-40
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