Article information

2023 , Volume 28, ¹ 4, p.5-21

Makhutov N.A., Gadenin M.M.

Computation and experimental modelling of stress-strain states of high-loaded parts of power units

Methods of experimental mechanics along with finite-element method and the obtained results for the high-loaded parts of a liquid-fuel rocket engine, made of the modern alloyed steels and heat resisting alloys shows that parameters of a real stress-strain state are defined by three major factors: conditions of a mechanical, thermal, aerodynamic, vibration service loading; constructive forms, sizes of sections and existence of concentration of stresses in the most dangerous points and zones of the bearing details; mechanical properties of the utilized constructional materials. At the same time the computation equations for determination of stress-strain states by the considered methods are primary for the description of processes of accumulation of damages and their quantitative estimation at static, cyclic and vibration impacts. It is shown that reaction of the bearing high-loaded parts of power units to total service loadings, impacts of physical fields and corrosion environments is both initiation for fields of stresses and strains and fields of damages to zones of high concentration of stresses

Keywords: stress-strain states, computation and experimental modelling, stresses, strains, damages, limit states, fracture

Makhutov Nikolay Andreevich
Dr. , Professor
Position: General Scientist
Office: Blagonravov Mechanical Engineering Research Institute RAS
Address: 101990, Russia, Moscow, 4 Maly Kharitonyevsky Pereulok
Phone Office: (985) 780-39-07
SPIN-code: 4499-0720

Gadenin Mikhail Matveevich
PhD. , Senior Scientist
Position: Leading research officer
Office: Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 101990, Russia, Moscow, 4 Maly Kharitonyevsky Pereulok
Phone Office: (499) 135-55-09
SPIN-code: 4882-6593

Bibliography link:
Makhutov N.A., Gadenin M.M. Computation and experimental modelling of stress-strain states of high-loaded parts of power units // Computational technologies. 2023. V. 28. ¹ 4. P. 5-21
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