Article information

2024 , Volume 29, ¹ 1, p.74-85

Zhirnov A.A., Harlampenkov I.E., Kudryashova O.B., Potapov V.P.

Information validity problems in OLAP systems

The paper addresses the notion of information validity, relevance and data source reliability as applied to the design, development and information updating in contemporary OLAP systems. Many up-to-date information systems employ a variety of external data sources but the reliability of these sources and data validity therein raise doubts. In addition, the data is continually changed and updated from the old to the latest, which needs to be accounted. The problem is a lack of unified system for qualitative and quantitative assessment of information attributes such as degrees of relevance and validity combined with data source reliability. On the other hand, there is an array of information attributes that can judge relevance and validity of information. The present study aimed to elaborate approaches to assessing information relevance and validity and data source reliability for an OLAP database system and propose units of measurement, algorithms and computational methods. The elaborated approaches will be further employed as algorithms and programs as part of the developed OLAP database system.

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Keywords: relevance of information, reliability of information, reliability of information and data sources, data loader, metadata, OLAP system, ETL system, ELT system

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2024.29.1.007

Zhirnov Anatoliy Alekseevich
Position: Research Scientist
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk
SPIN-code: 2506-0152

Harlampenkov Ivan Evgenevich
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk
SPIN-code: 3344-3120

Kudryashova Olga Borisovna
Dr. , Associate Professor
Address: 659322, Russia, Biisk
SPIN-code: 7788-5572

Potapov Vadim Petrovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Leading research officer
Office: Federal Research Center for Information and Computational Technologies
Address: 650003, Russia, Kemerovo
Phone Office: (3842) 21-14-00
SPIN-code: 8947-1880

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Bibliography link:
Zhirnov A.A., Harlampenkov I.E., Kudryashova O.B., Potapov V.P. Information validity problems in OLAP systems // Computational technologies. 2024. V. 29. ¹ 1. P. 74-85
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