Article information

2002 , Volume 7, Special issue, p.24-36

Golovko V.F.

Nonlinear absorption and modeling of the transmission function in the gas atmosphere

The high-sophisticated software as a version of the information system AIRSENTRY developed earlier for modeling of the radiation propagation is applied to obtaining new transmission functions of the water vapor and carbon dioxide in wide spectral regions. The problem of the super- and sub-Lorentzian behavior of the absorption line shapes is solving. The highly interactive software allowed us conveniently to incorporate new ideas of the nonlinear non-resonance absorption in line wings and an original form of far wings of the line shape into the code.

Classificator Msc2000:
*68U20 Simulation
85A25 Radiative transfer
86-08 Computational methods
86A10 Meteorology and atmospheric physics

Keywords: radiative transfer equations, water vapor continua

Golovko Vladimir F
PhD. , Professor
Position: Leading research officer
Office: Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS
Address: 634055, Russia, Tomsk, Akademicheskii Ave. 1
Phone Office: (3822) 258794

Bibliography link:
Golovko V.F. Nonlinear absorption and modeling of the transmission function in the gas atmosphere // Computational technologies. 2002. V. 7. Special issue. P. 24-36
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