Article information

2002 , Volume 7, Special issue, p.64-70

Mikhailenko S.F., Babikov Y., Tyuterev V., Barbe A.

The DataBank of ozone spectroscopy on WEB (S and MPO)

The first version of Internet accesible information system "Spectroscopy and Molecular Properties of Ozone'' is presented. The purpose and functional capabilities of the WEB information system S&MPO are presented. The main purposes of presented system are modeling of the IR ozone absorption using original databank of S&MPO or HITRAN/GEISA databanks; visualization of comparison between experimental and calculated spectra; presentation of the information on vibration and ro-vibrational levels, wave functions, potential energy surface (PES) and the dipole moment surface (DMS) of ozone molecule. The databank of the system contains original information about absorption of various ozone isotopes in the 0-5800 1/cm spectral range corresponding more than 100 rotation-vibration bands. This databank contains calculated ro-vibrational energy levels using effective hamiltonian approach up to 7000 1/cm and high resolution experimental spectra in the 950-6000 1/cm region.

Mikhailenko S F
PhD. , Senior Scientist
Position: Leading research officer
Office: Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS
Address: 634055, Russia, Tomsk, Akademicheskii Ave. 1
Phone Office: (3822) 258794

Babikov Yu
Office: Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS
Address: 634055, Russia, Tomsk, Akademicheskii Ave. 1
Phone Office: (3822) 258794

Tyuterev Vladimir
Office: Groupe de Spectrometrie Moleculaire et Atmospherique UFR Sciencies, BP 1039, 51687,
Address: 634055, France, Reims, Akademicheskii Ave. 1

Barbe A
Office: Groupe de spectroscopie moleculaire et atmospherique Equipe associee au CNRS D 6089
Address: 51500, France, Sillery, 6 rue Samuel de Champlain

Bibliography link:
Mikhailenko S.F., Babikov Y., Tyuterev V., Barbe A. The DataBank of ozone spectroscopy on WEB (S and MPO) // Computational technologies. 2002. V. 7. Special issue. P. 64-70
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