Article information

2003 , Volume 8, Special issue, p.124-144

Rychkov A.D., Shokina N.Y.

Mathematical models of filtration combustion and their applications

The short review of the works in the field of mathematical modelling of filtration combustion, which are carrying out in the research centers of Russia, is presented. The main attention is given to the computational aspects. The examples of the numerical solution of three typical problems: the filtration combustion of gas mixture in inert porous medium, the combustion of fuel granules in hard fuel gas generator, and the non-stationary combustion of hard fuel in automotive safety device (airbag) are presented.

Classificator Msc2000:
*76M20 Finite difference methods
76S05 Flows in porous media; filtration; seepage
76V05 Reaction effects in flows
80A25 Combustion

Keywords: conservation law, uniform grid, pressure wave

Rychkov Aleksandr Dmitrievich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Leading research officer
Address: 63009, Russia, Novosibirsk
Phone Office: (383) 330 86 56

Shokina Nina Yurievna
Position: Research Scientist
Office: Medical Center University of Freiburg
Address: 79106, Germany, Freiburg, Killianstrasse, 5a
Phone Office: (49761) 270 73930
SPIN-code: 8680-7439

Bibliography link:
Rychkov A.D., Shokina N.Y. Mathematical models of filtration combustion and their applications // Computational technologies. 2003. V. 8. The Special Issue: Proceedings of the Russian-German Advanced Research Workshop on Computer Science and High Performance Computing, Part 1. P. 124-144
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