Article information

2004 , Volume 9, Special issue, p.21-30

Belykh V.N.

On estimations of epsilon -entropy of compacts of infinitely differentiable functions on a segment

The phenomenon of unsaturation (according to Babenko) for numerical methods is explained. New estimations for [Java Applet]-entropy of classes of [Java Applet]-smooth functions on a closed finite segment are given.

Classificator Msc2000:
*26E10 $C^\infty$-functions, quasi-analytic functions
46E10 Topological linear spaces of continuous, differentiable or analytic functions
41A40 Saturation
41A46 Approximation by arbitrary nonlinear expressions; widths and entropy

Keywords: Chebyshev approximation problem, Gevrey class, Frechet space, Arzel`a theorem

Belykh V.N.
Dr. , Professor
Position: Leading research officer
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk
Phone Office: (3832) 333 887

Bibliography link:
Belykh V.N. On estimations of epsilon -entropy of compacts of infinitely differentiable functions on a segment // Computational technologies. 2004. V. 9. Special issue. Selected papers presented at VII International workshop “Cubature formulae and their applications”. Krasnoyarsk, August 2003. P. 21-30
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