Article information

2004 , Volume 9, Special issue, p.70-81

Zakarin E.

Methods of geoinformation modeling and application to atmospheric pollution tasks

The main principles of geoinformation modelling, the modelling sub-system (MS) in the geoinformation system (GIS) framework and the tools to be included are considered. Two problems of pollutant transfer in atmosphere are given as an example of sub-system application. The first problem deals with modelling of traffic pollution in the atmosphere of the city of Almaty. The second problem deals with monitoring of dust storms in the Aral region.

Zakarin E
Office: Space Research Institute
Address: Kazakhstan, Almatu

Bibliography link:
Zakarin E. Methods of geoinformation modeling and application to atmospheric pollution tasks // Computational technologies. 2004. V. 9. Special issue. Proceedings of the International Conference “Computational and informational technologies for environmental sciences” (CITES 2003). Tomsk, 1-11 September 2003. Part 2. P. 70-81
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