Article information

2005 , Volume 10, Special issue, p.94-99

Reneva S.A.

Modeling emission of methane from the frozen wetlands in Russia under the conditions of the changing climate

Decomposition of the organic material under warmer climatic conditions will enhance the emission of methane to the atmosphere. Forecasts of changes in the volume of seasonal thawing were calculated using the permafrost model. Forecasts of changes of the methane emission for the mid-21st century climate were estimated using the methane model. According to our results emissions may increase by 80 % along the Russian Arctic coast, by 30-50 % in the central Siberia, and up to 20 % in the eastern and south-eastern parts of cryolitozone.

[full text]

Reneva S.A.
Address: Russia, St-Petersburg

Bibliography link:
Reneva S.A. Modeling emission of methane from the frozen wetlands in Russia under the conditions of the changing climate // Computational technologies. 2005. V. 10. Special issue. Proceedings of the International Conference and the School of Young Scientists “Computational and informational technologies for environmental sciences” (CITES 2005). Tomsk, 13-23 March 2005. Part 1. P. 94-99
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