Article information

1996 , Volume 1, ¹ 2, p.99-103

Formalev V.F.

Method of variable directions with time extrapolation for parabolic problems with mixed variables

A resource-sparing (economic), absolutely stable method is suggested with alternating (variable) directions of numerical problems with mixed differential operators which is reduced to scalar sweeps along coordinate directions. This technique differs from the classical Pisman-Rachford method in the inexplicit approximation of all the differential operators whereas some values of the grid functions are substituted for those extrapolational with respect to time which makes the method absolutely stable and applicable to the problems with any space dimensionality.

[full text] Classificator Msc2000:
*35K99 None of the above, but in this section
65M12 Stability and convergence of numerical methods

Keywords: alternating direction method, absolute stability, parabolic problem

Formalev Vladimir Fedorovich
Dr. , Professor
Office: Moscow state aviation institute
Address: 125871, Russia, Moscow
Phone Office: (499) 496-39-71

Bibliography link:
Formalev V.F. Method of variable directions with time extrapolation for parabolic problems with mixed variables // Computational technologies. 1996. V. 1. ¹ 2. P. 99-103
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