Article information

2000 , Volume 5, ¹ 1, p.40-51

Gorlov S.I.

Nonlinear problem of a flow around a vortex in the stream of a two-layer heavy fluid

The nonlinear boundary value problem about a flow around a vortex of the given intensity installed in the stream of a two-layer heavy fluid is considered. A vortex sheet simulates the interface of fluids. A system of nonlinear integral equations expresses kinematic and dynamic conditions and contains as unknowns the intensity of the vortex sheet and the function describing the form of the interface. The obtained equations were solved by the Newton method and high order panel method. The system of waves in the far field behind the vortex is taken into account. This fact is the key feature of the developed method. The problem about the vortex movement under free surface is considered. or various values of vortex intensity and Froude number the numerical experiment on the evaluation of the nonlinearity influence on the characteristics of the considered currents has been conducted. The results of allowing for the limiting values of the vortex intensity, for which there is a solution of the steady problem, wave drag and form of a free surface are presented.

[full text] Classificator Msc2000:
*76B07 Free-surface potential flows
76B47 Vortex flows
76B70 Stratification effects in inviscid fluids

Keywords: nonlinear boundary value problem, Newton method, free-surface flow, vortex of prescribed intensity, two-layer heavy fluid, vortex sheet, interface of fluids, system of nonlinear integral equations, high-order panel method, waves, far field

Gorlov Sergei Ivanovich
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Address: 644073, Russia, Omsk
Phone Office: (3812) 15-35-09

Bibliography link:
Gorlov S.I. Nonlinear problem of a flow around a vortex in the stream of a two-layer heavy fluid // Computational technologies. 2000. V. 5. ¹ 1. P. 40-51
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