Article information

2002 , Volume 7, ¹ 4, p.3-8

Bautin S.P., Chernyshov Y.Y.

The analog of Riemann's centered wave in the flows of heat-conducting and nonviscous gas

With the help of a special nonterminating convergent series one heat-conducting and nonviscous gas flow is presented, which is an analogue of Riemann's centered wave. This flow describes a powerful compression of one dimensional gas layers.

[full text] Classificator Msc2000:
*35C05 Solutions in closed form
35Q30 Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations
76N15 Gas dynamics, general

Keywords: gas dynamics, nonviscous heat-conducting gas, Riemannian centered wave, shockless strong compression, exact singular solution

Bautin Sergey Petrovich
Dr. , Associate Professor
Position: Professor
Office: Snezhinsk Institute of Physics and Technology National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Address: 456776, Russia, Snezhinsk, Komsomol str., 8
Phone Office: (343) 221 25 49
SPIN-code: 4343-3821

Chernyshov Yu Yu
Office: The Ural State Academy of Mining and Geology
Address: 620219, Russia, Ekaterinburg, Komsomol str., 8
Phone Office: (3432) 585566

Bibliography link:
Bautin S.P., Chernyshov Y.Y. The analog of Riemann's centered wave in the flows of heat-conducting and nonviscous gas // Computational technologies. 2002. V. 7. ¹ 4. P. 3-8
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